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Frequently Asked Questions

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Who will be insured?

The family office or every family member, even when the device is not monitored. 

Where and when are you protected an insured?

At all times, at home, and while traveling. 

What happens if a family member is not using the app?

Even when the monitoring is not on for different reasons, you and all your family members are insured. We will, of course, do everything together with you to get you as soon as possible back on the monitoring as this can really help your cyber hygiene. 

Whom do we call and when?

You can call the helpdesk 24/7, with any questions! Push the call button within the app and you will be connected through. 

Who is it for?

Families, Family offices, individuals, C-level, and board members. 

Are there any hidden costs or conditions?

There are no deductibles, no conditions, or additional actions after paying syba. A contract is a 12-month contract. If you are breached during those 12 months, your premium will not increase in that period. 

What's the difference with other cyber security companies like antivirus software companies?

We combine cyber prevention and cyber insurance in one service, backed by our 24/7 helpdesk, while other companies just offer antivirus services or cyber insurance. Most standard antivirus software focuses only on malware or ransomware attacks. If cyber insurance is offered, it tends to only cover online identity theft protection. 

Can LLCs be included in our Cyber Insurance policies?

Yes, LLCs can be included with specific conditions. Coverage Scope: Single-member LLCs are covered if the insured is the sole member of the entity and the LLC has no operational risks (i.e., it serves as a holding company for assets rather than providing actual services). The LLC's exposure is expected to come from the same network used for the insured’s personal use. When married and the LLC is in both names, it is also covered.

Can Nannies and Au Pairs be covered under our Cyber Insurance policies?

Yes, coverage is possible under specific conditions. Network-Based Coverage: Nannies and household employees who do not reside with the family are difficult to cover extensively. However, if they are breached while using the insured’s home network, they are covered. If they reside with the family, they are considered part of the family and fall under the coverage.

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